CAME hosted the “Women Entrepreneurship, AI + Emerging Tech in Africa” event on September 27, 2022.
Kishau Rogers shared in-depth insights into the processes for the success of her business, Time Study, and how she continues to triple the company’s revenue each year. Saidah Nash Carter shared her work focused on “Healing and Human Connection,” and “Truth and Accountability” in relation to data and technology, specifically through her project “Ask an Elder”. S. Ama Wray shared her projects, performances, and initiatives like “Texterritory” and “Embodiology” that center around the beauty and need for improvisation, movement in the body, and technology.
Saidah Nash Carter
Carter presented her work on, “Crowdsourcing Our Stories & Decolonizing AI.” She is a digital business native with a passion for value creation and using technology to create new opportunities for business and humanity. She began her career with Reuters NewMedia during a period of profound digital transformation and went on to build and launch some of the first online news services for early internet sensations like Yahoo! and AOL.
Kishau Rogers
Rogers presented a piece called, “The Science (and Art) of Iterative Innovation: Amplifying impact with the ‘smart’ integration of creative intelligence, strategic entrepreneurship & technology.” She is an award-winning technology entrepreneur on a mission to amplify human capability and solve the world’s increasingly complex problems with computer science, systems thinking, and creative intelligence. She is the Founder & CEO of Time Study Inc. and owner of the innovation agency bigThinking and its lab Websmith Studio.
S. Ama Wray
Lastly, Wray presented her work, “Improvisation is a gateway to human flourishing, and Embodiology” is a rendering of ubuntu, a liberation technology, grounded by ancestral African-Atlantic wisdom, operating to optimize thriving for the individual and the group.” Creator of Embodiology® Dr. S. Ama Wray is also a TEDx Speaker and Professor of Dance at the University of California, Irvine. Self-styled as a Performance Architect for over 30 years, she has been performing, teaching, researching, speaking, choreographing, and collaborating across three continents.
If you missed the performance, click here to watch the event recording on Youtube!