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Funding Opportunities

One of the primary sources of graduate student funding through the Center is the FLAS fellowship, which are made possible by the Center’s Title VI grant from the U.S. Department of Education. In addition, generous contributions from faculty and alumni have made it possible for the Center to offer summer pre-dissertation research grants in Africa for graduate students. The Center is also able to provide a number of travel awards to support students attending academic conferences and workshops.

Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships

Graduate students may apply for academic year and summer FLAS fellowships to study an African language in conjunction with their African-area studies courses. The call for applications for this award is in the Spring semester every year.

Jeanne & Hunt Davis Graduate Research Award

Jeanne & Hunt Davis

Dr. R. Hunt Davis & his wife, Jeanne, established the Jeanne & Hunt Davis Award in 2004 to support graduate students doing pre-dissertation fieldwork in Africa. Dr. Davis is professor emeritus of African History and a former director of the Center for African Studies (1979-1988). The call for applications for this award is in the Spring semester every year.

Madelyn Lockhart Graduate Research Award

Dr. Madelyn Lockhart was professor emeritus in economics and a former Dean of the UF Graduate School. This award was established for graduate students in African Studies who are traveling to Africa for purposes of doing preliminary research for their dissertations. The call for applications for this award is in the Spring semester every year.

Resources for African Students

To see opportunities for MA and PhD fellowships for African students, click here.

CAS Graduate Travel Awards

CAS Travel Awards support research related travel, including conference travel for graduate students, and grants for summer, pre-dissertation trips.

For further information about application forms and deadlines, please contact:

Dr. Todd Leedy
Associate Director