University of Florida Homepage

Onboarding Guide

AFLI Webinar 2024


Complete your Non-Degree Application


  1. Visit:
  2. On the next page, choose the Create an account option under First-time users and follow the instructions and input your information.
  3. Complete application
    1. Personal Background
    2. Application Details
    3. Non-Degree Course Request

i.      Select the type of Nondegree program: Please select *NonDegree Special Program option*

ii.      Please select the college: The college is *College of Liberal Arts and Sciences*

iii.      Select Term: Choose Summer A/C

iv.      You do not need to enter a description but you can enter the language of study and/or that you are an AFLI attendee

v.       For the please select the Special Program you are applying for section: You MUST either select African Language Boren or African Language Non-Boren

vi.      Choose the number of courses you are requesting: Everyone will have *2* courses for the AFLI program

vii.      Enter the course prefix and number and click continue-If you do not know this please email to request it or click here to view courses. If you are a graduate student use course prefix and number AFS6905 twice. These submitted courses are place holders until after your placement test.

    1. Academic History
    2. Florida Residency Declaration-*Tuition will not be based on residency unless you are already a UF student*
    3. Signature
    4. Review
  1. Complete the remaining pages of the application and submit.
  2. We will notify you of your application status after your application has been reviewed.

Things to Pack

Things to consider packing

Location: Most students will live in Hub On Campus Apartment which is at 1111 NW University Ave ( The apartment block is 1,056 feet (0.2 miles) from the university campus.

HUB Floor Plans: Floor Plans For UF Student Apartments (

HUB Application–> Apply: Hub on Campus Gainesville University Apartment Rentals (

View full Boren Housing details here: Boren Students – Center for African Studies (

Get Your Gator Credentials


As a new student, you will need a UF identification number (UFID) to access UF information systems and university amenities.

1. Once your application is approved you should receive a UF welcome email prompting you to create a Gatorlink account with an invitation code

2. If you did not receive an email: You can locate your UFID by clicking the “Click here for UFID” link on your application status page. Log in using your MyAdmissions credentials. GET YOUR UFID. And, If you continue experiencing issues, Please email w/ subject line: Gator ID. Then, call UF Commuting Help Desk and request an invitation code. Phone number: (352) 392-HELP (4357)

3.  Once you have your UFID and Invitation Code: Create your Gatorlink account here:

4. Access Your Official UFL Email:


Health Compliance


Every new UF student is required to show proof of having health insurance and certain immunizations before arriving on campus. To register for classes, students must submit a completed UF Mandatory Immunization Health History form.

Newly admitted students: Please allow at least 1 week from your UF acceptance/account creation for any Florida SHOTS records to pre-populate.

  1. Log into the Student Self-Service Portal
  2. Go to Immunization
  3. Click the green Print button to see what vaccines are already on file. If all of your vaccines are on file, you’re done!
  4. If not, attach and submit your documentation. For more information on how to submit files click here for a video or read more here
  5. Check your One.UF account to see if your immunization hold has been cleared. Missing vaccines will appear on your To-Do Items.


A hold placed on the student’s account may prevent the receipt of grades, transcripts, diploma or admission to athletic events, removal from courses and registration will be denied for future terms. You cannot be added to ANY course if you have holds on your account.

Holds are viewable in ONE.UF:

1. Action Item Summary (which appears on top of the page)

2. Click on Holds to view details that will appear on the right side of the page

2. Complete all To Dos


Personal Identification Card

The GATORONE is the official identification of the University of Florida. Whether you are a student, staff, faculty, retiree, spouse/domestic partner or a vendor, the GATORONE is essential for the UF community.

1. New students can request their Mobile GATORONE only after registering for classes AND within two weeks of semester start date.

2. Here’s a link for the Mobile GatorONE Guide:

UF GetOnline

UF GetOnline is used to assist in the configuration of a user’s personally owned Gatorlink device to connect to the secure campus wireless networks at UF and provide seamless connectivity to all other participating Eduroam Universities around the globe.

Click here for more information:


If you have any questions, contact the AFLI office at

Telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Mobile Gator: Mobile GATOR ONE Set-Up – Business Services Business Services (

AFLI Shirt: AFLI T-Shirt Sizes 2024 (