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Language Materials Development

With the support of the CAS, the UF-AFLI Program has embarked on a huge language pedagogical project to hybridize all African language courses that are offered through the AFLI-DIS Program including Akan/Twi, French (with basic Wolof), Hausa, Portuguese, Swahili, Wolof, Yoruba, and Zulu. Hybridization refers to a course designed to combine the traditional face-to-face classroom instruction with the virtual online instruction. Individual language projects are at various stages of design and development. These materials are designed to meet specific needs pertaining to the AFLi program.

The hybrid African languages Initiative project, therefore, aims at creating proficiency-based and learner-centered online courses that will maximize L2  communicative proficiency while allowing learners to virtually acquire basic cultural knowledge and, of course, have fun! The project harnesses the experience of Dr. James Essegbey, who has developed a similar course for Beginning Akan (Twi) for regular UF semesters, and the specialization of the Center for Instructional Technology and Training at UF to design virtual African language world in which the language learners will be immersed.

Hybrid Beginning Akan (Twi) has been offered since 2013 and provided the template. Hybrid Beginning Swahili online has been in use since summer 2016 (still confined to the AFLI summer program). Full operation of the Hybrid Beginning Yoruba is scheduled for Fall 2018. Other languages are at various stages of development.