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Amanda Subalusky

Contact Information

Email: asubalusky

Dr. Amanda Subalusky is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology.


Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, 2016
M.S, Wildlife Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, 2007
B.S. Biology with honors, Vanderbilt University, 1999

Research Interests

My research program addresses how ecological processes at the population and community level impact ecosystem function. I am particularly interested in how animal movement and behavior can influence food web structure and ecosystem function. My research currently addresses three central questions:

  • 1) What role do animals play in nutrient cycling and translocation within and across ecosystems?
  • 2) How do the quantity and quality of resource subsidies interact with ecosystem characteristics to influence food web structure and ecosystem function?
  • 3) How do ecosystems respond to the loss or replacement of animal populations?

Countries/Regions of Expertise

My research has focused on wetland and river ecosystems in the southern United States and East Africa and recently in South America.