Dr. Renata Serra (CAS Associate Instructional Professor and core MDP Faculty) has published a new article, “Promoting Gender Equity in Livelihoods Projects: Practitioners’ Perspectives Through the Lens of a Socio-ecological Model.” Written with Michelle Kendall, Alexandra Towns, and James Hummer, who are with the international humanitarian organization Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the article is based on interviews with CRS project staff previously involved in 9 livelihood projects, mostly in Africa, and on their experiences as well as challenges in integrating gender into their projects, especially in increasing equitable intra-household decision making and engaging men. The article shows both the insights that can be derived by using a socio-ecological model to interpret the qualitative data and the contribution that project staff’s lived experiences can make to the theory itself – with an enriched SEM model resulting from this exercise. Through their collaboration across the academic-NGO institutional divide, the authors hope to encourage more dialogue and mutual learning between academic research and development practice.
Citation: Serra, R., Kendall, M., Towns, A., & Hummer, J. (2022). Promoting Gender Equity in Livelihoods Projects: Practitioners’ Perspectives Through the Lens of a Socio-ecological Model. Progress in Development Studies, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/14649934221129427 (opens in new tab)