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A woman's hands holding a plant are in sharp foreground focus.

The Center for African Studies generates a wide variety of cross-campus interdisciplinary resources including publications, reports, and materials relating to African Studies.

African Studies Library Collection  (opens in new tab)

The African Studies Collection at the University of Florida Libraries (opens in new tab) has a collaborative partnership with the UF Center for African Studies, which contributes generous funding for library materials and services through its U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant as a National Resource Center. The African Studies Library Collection includes an extensive, diverse collection of materials including books, archives, maps, and films. Visit the library page or one of the links below to learn more.

African Studies Quarterly (opens in new tab)

The Center for African Studies founded the African Studies Quarterly (ASQ) to promote research on Africa beyond that undertaken by University of Florida faculty and graduate students. It is an interdisciplinary, fully refereed, online open access journal dedicated to publishing the finest scholarship relating to the African continent.