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Recap: China | Africa Working Group Oct. 7


Fall Panel 2: Re-Thinking the China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Marina Rudyak, Heidelberg University

China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Africa and the SDGs: Taking Stock of Promises and Implementation Gaps. Under What Conditions Do African Countries Benefit Most?

Marina Rudyak is a sinologist working on the intersections of China Studies and International Development. She is presently a postdoctoral researcher and assistant professor for Chinese Cultural Studies at the Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University. Her research focuses on China’s international development cooperation and the Chinese foreign policy discourse. She is the founder of

Ding Fei, Arizona State University

Assembling China – Africa Health Cooperation Under the Belt and Road Initiative. 

Ding Fei is a development and economic geographer interested in
globalization and development, political economy, capital-labor relations, South-South migration, and China-Africa relations. Currently, she is clinical assistant professor in the School of Sustainability and School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University.


Prof. Anita Spring, Professor Emerita, University of Florida
Prof. Pádraig Carmody, Professor in Geography, Trinity College Dublin

Zoom Recording of Fall Panel 2

View the Zoom recording of the event here.