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Fall 2017 Schedule

SCDA Contact  Symposium  Past Meetings

September 11, 2017

Meet and Greet

12:45 in 471 GRI

September 25, 2017

Half-day Symposium

“Revisiting Partnership for Development in Africa”

Invited external speakers:

  • Jon Harald Sande Lie (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)
  • Stephen Kosack (University of Washington)
  • Reehana Raza (the Urban Institute)

9am-1pm in 404 GRI

October 9, 2017

Max Gelber, University of Florida

“Mapping the Shark Value Chain in Ghana: Past Lessons, Present Challenges, and Future Opportunities​.”

12:45 in 471 GRI

October 23, 2017

Natasha Sokolsky, Pact Institute

“Friend or Foe? The New Role of Corporations in Africa’s Development and Mining Sectors.”

12:45 in 471 GRI

November 6, 2017

Conference Preparation Workshop

If you are interested please sign up by Thursday, November 2.

12:45 in 471 GRI