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Staff Spotlight: Tricia Kuhn

Tricia Kuhn works as the Administrative Support Assistant at the Center for African Studies, where she coordinates travel and reimbursements for faculty, students, and guests, provides HR assistance, handles effort reporting and is responsible for reconciling charges for the Center’s various projects and grants.  Originally from Corry, Pennsylvania, Tricia began her college career as a pre-med student at the University of Pittsburgh. She joined the Army Reserves at age 17 and attended Pittsburgh for one year before being deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan in October 2005 with the 23rd AG Postal Company. When she returned, she transferred to the Regular Army and was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas for 2.5 years with Headquarters, 1st Infantry Division, where she earned her A.A. degree at Barton County Community College.


In November 2009, she was deployed a second time to Forward Operating Base Shank, Afghanistan with the 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade of Savannah, Georgia.  Tricia transferred back to the Active Reserves in 2012 and joined the CAS office in 2014. While at CAS, Tricia was again deployed in December 2015 to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait with the 257th Movement Control Battalion of Gainesville. Tricia continues to serve in the Army Reserves as a Human Resources Sergeant. In her position, she handles administrative issues for Soldiers, including promotions, awards, personnel records, Soldier leave, etc. She spends one weekend a month attending drill in Tallahassee and plans to stay in the military for another 7 years so she can retire at the end of a 20-year military career.


While working full-time at CAS and part-time as an active Army Reservist, Tricia is also working toward a B.A. in English from the University of Maryland University College, with a focus in medieval British literature and a minor in History. She will graduate in Fall 2017. Tricia lives in Newberry with her sons, Jayden (10) and Zachary (5). What she likes most about her position at CAS is helping programs run smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. Thanks for everything Tricia!