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A diverse group of children/teenagers/young adults are smiling at the camera.

The Center for African Studies’ main objectives are to improve the education and the current teaching curriculum regarding the subject of Africa. Jambo! is an amazing week-long program that helps in these objectives, by introducing a select group of high school students to African culture and to contemporary Africa. You’ll be astounded at all of the things you’ll learn about Africa at the Santa Fe College for Kids.

Here are a few of the things you can expect from the program:

  • learn an African language (usually Swahili)
  • participate in African dances
  • learn African crafts
  • listen to and play African music
  • learn about African landscapes, people, food, and dress
  • participate in discussions about modern Africa

Students Will:

  • “Travel” to all the regions of Africa–North, West, East, Southern and Central Africa
  • Learn about the landscapes, people, food, music, dress and housing
  • Learn basic facts about Africa and useful Swahili phrases
  • Learn crafts and receive vocabulary books

Program Information:

  • The program will take place June 18-22, Monday through Friday from 9am to Noon
  • Fee $80
  • Snacks and supplies included
  • Fourth to eighth grade students are encouraged to apply
  • For more information and to register, call 352-395-5193


This program is hosted in partnership with the Santa Fe College Center for Innovation and Economic Development, and the Center for African Studies with funds provided by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant.



Did you know that Jambo means hello in Swahili? The African Language Summer Institute introduces students to the fundamentals of Swahili. Swahili is the most widely spoken African language in eastern and central Africa. Students learn basic structural competence (i.e. pronunciation, vocabulary, and simple sentence structure) by reading, oral exercises, writing, watching videos, singing, storytelling, and listening to music.

By the end of the program, students are able to do the following:

  • make and respond to basic greetings and introductions
  • use a few basic everyday words and expressions
  • identify and list words in context
  • give and respond to basic commands
  • use numbers and ask or describe quantities
  • ask for and tell the time
  • listen to, read and comprehend simple phrases and sentences